Stretched out on the table chatting about movies, action movies, Transformers, Captain America, the Avenger series, Hannah whatever, whilst the Strappers darlings are tenderly flopping and rolling my Crown Jewels away from the death rays all seeing eye.
Mr Minty, might as well call him that as I haven't a clue of his name, nice fella, Clark Gable moustache, very sharp looks; I bet he drives a sport hatch with great stereo and bags of power. He loves a bit of action (I bet he does), thought Transformers 3 was great cos the last hour was all action. I'd love it too sweetie I mean I love a bit action too, don't you know? I thought Mr Minty might have lingered tenderly a nano second longer than Ms Asia. I sensed his eyes caress me sweetly, soft and reassuring whereas Ms Asia gave me a light tap on the knob to make sure the strapping wasn't going to explode with enthusiasm at the wrong moment. And again after the session to make sure it was still there. I mean Ducks they see it every day, you'd get a little fond of it after a while, I mean I would. I'd look forward to an eyeful in an otherwise dreary day on the Gantry. I mean how would you be rolling one old clacker after another over for a better look at his prostrate!
Actually I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I wonder who it will be? Stretched out I'll be. What will I talk about, oh I know I'll find something, probably Art or for a bit of action I might try Tony Abbot. Someone told me he has a cameo in Captain America. I cannot believe it Ducks, he couldn't act himself into a serious dialogue with anything or anybody without wrecking the scene. I hope his budgie smugglers strangle his goolies and he starts to walk like a normal man.
There was an older lady last week and a middle aged lady not long after. We chatted comfortably but you know if you're looking for a bit of culture its the boy Strappers who make the cut.
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