Monday, October 10, 2011

Excision-Thursday 29th September

When the surgeon gazed into my thigh and visualised where his scalpel would trace a line toward the Lump he made a few marks on the leg and signed the canvas with an initial.

The arrow marks the spot.

The same morning I has asked the anesthetist if she could take some photographs of the occasion as the surgeon had said he would be too busy. She took the camera I provided and said, "are you sure? "

I was gaily wheeled up the two floors to the operating theatre. A place with big windows and views of the Dandenongs. A place inhabited by strong intense people who say little and look into you with great intimacy.  "Are you allergic to anything ? "  I am asked in many different ways. I get a white hat indicating I do not (that I know of). A red hat would indicate I do.  We joked about hats as I was wheeled into the the surgeons office. A place with music playing and various people getting equipment ready. The anesthetist played with my wrist and that was the last I knew of anything until I found myself in the Room 216 downstairs that afternoon.

The Lump where it has been living

The muscle where it lies with the cavity filled by wadding.

The excised lump with a margin of healthy tissue to ensure everything is removed.

The cavity left behind. 

The drain which would stay in for the next few days to allow for excess fluids to flow away from the wound.

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