Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rehab-Go Go Go

I did not know the condition of my flesh following  radiation would delay healing and  rehabilitation.  See the image to the right showing blistery, sore, dry and mottled skin; that's how it is all the way through.  What the picture shows is the place where the radiation exited after being targeted on the front side of the thigh. 

Now in my fourth week since the final night of surgery I am completely dependent on crutches. I cannot allow any weight on the wounded leg since it simply cannot take it.  The muscles are not responding as a response to healing. They have switched of for the time it takes for everything to knit together.  When I was first out of hospital the leg was a weight I nursed and carried short distances within the house.  Now I can simulate walking by placing one foot in front of the other however my heel will not touch the ground first because the muscles are not in service.  Each day a small improvement is noticeable. I wriggle a little more or move my hips and bend the limb up a little and down. My general endurance is slightly better.  I can go for a 100 meter walk and require a solid 30 to 40 minute rest to recover.

And it hurts.  Not an unbearable discomfort but a dull ache that ranges from 4 to 7 on the hurtometer depending on the measure of activity.  Anything over 5  requires a response. Recently I have found resting with the ache gives relief.  Sleeping is quality time for the forces at work.

A surge of activity,
An army of volunteers,
A mass of work,
While I nod off in the sun, in the window seat.
Flat out and crutches, the good leg heavy lifting for the wounded one.
A dream illustrated an exquisite piece of work, worth waiting for.
Nothing short of the absolute best.

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