Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Step Back

When the Lump was removed it was sent to the lab for analysis. The results came back confirming what the surgeon felt from touch. It was 95% dead. 

I saw him on the 26th of October. He removed the dressing which was letting off an odor that even the dog avoided.  He (the dog), has been very attentive, sleeping by my side, checking up on me and being generally very companionable. But while that dressing stank he took to the other room.

On seeing the surgeon who, as far as I am concerned still owns my leg until it gets healed, removed the dressing.  Underneath was a 250mm scar 80% of which was nicely healed, however 20%,  about 50mm was a gnarly, granulated gash of rotting skin.  Hence the stink. I wasn't feeling that flash either.  The photograph is below, placed out of view since it's not a pretty sight. Scroll down if you must, it's there.  I am resting and taking penicillin every 6 hours, letting nature do its work. I see the Doc again on Monday the 31st October when, I hope, he will declare good progress and I will not have to go back to hospital. 

This blog will come to an end soon.  The story of the Lump is nearly over.  With this set back, small and not unexpected, I feel an increased resolve to  get through it.  Right now, it is something of an ordeal. I can manage about two hours of sleep and then I have to find ways to distract myself from the discomfort.  I'm watching the iconic series 'Roots' which is captivating.   

A little lower-you will smell it about now........

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